Afrosmartshop Seller

by Claude Junang



The Afrosmartshop Seller app helps you:- Analyze your sales. View sales over time and sales growth. Drill down into sales at a product-level.- Manage your inventory. Access product-level inventory and pricing details. Make pricing changes, view fees, and see competitive offers.- Manage your orders. Get notified when your product sells. View your pending orders and confirm shipments.- Manage your returns. Authorize or close returns, issue refunds, and modify returns settings.- View next payment balance. See how much and when you’ll be paid by Afrosmartshop.- Respond to messages. Numbers that appear next to Communications inform you of how many customer messages await a response.- Create new offers to existing products and create new catalog products to sell on Afrosmartshop.- Receive notifications on the go - so you always have an eye on all the options to sell new products and offer them at competitive prices.- Enable vacation mode in case of unavailability or holidays - your shop and products remain active and visible but orders could be unavailable.- And much more.